Act as One — from culture to strategy
In Human Impact, we focus on getting your culture and behavior to support your strategy and goals.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” said Peter Drucker a long time ago – and it is still 100% true.
You certainly have many slides that describe your KPIs and strategic visions – but do you also have a culture and a behavior that really supports your strategy, so that you reach your goals?
At Human Impact, we work according to the concept: Act As One to help you with just this.
We work with development on three levels: organisation, team and individual.
Below you can see how we do it in concrete terms.
sustainable, adjective:
sustainable, adjective:
which ensures or implies lasting positive results (in a particular respect) without destroying the existing foundation
The Danish Dictionary
Management development
Are you, as a management group, role models for the culture and behavior that must ensure that you implement your strategy? We help with support and challenge and get each individual participant to take ownership of their development.
Act as One - Cultural development
Do you have values that are recognized by employees and behaviors that support the strategy? We help you to make your culture both rooted and alive, so it goes far beyond nice posters!
Team development
We strengthen teams and their performance by developing in one or more areas: psychological safety, trust, self-awareness, insight into each other’s strengths and weaknesses, communication and conflict management, etc.
Buy a profile
Buy your very own profile and get professional feedback on your strengths and weaknesses in a work context. Also available in an extended version with a leadership development section or with career advice.
Individual sparring
Get professional sparring from consultants with many years of management experience. At Human Impact, you don’t have to find all the answers yourself. We spar with a mixture of a coaching approach and concrete advice.
Insight's personal profiles
Gain insight into each other’s strengths and weaknesses, which strengthens cooperation and good communication. The tool can be used both on an individual development level and as a basis for conversations and workshops in the team.