Claus Allerup.
Sr. consultant and partner.

Claus creates clarity and direction by providing professional and insightful teaching and advice in human behaviour, management and communication.

With his strong theoretical skills and many years as a manager, Claus has built up a great deal of experience and insight into people, and has taught both Danish and international companies for many years.

It is by combining effective theories such as “Insights”, “The Five Dysfunctions”, “Tuckman”, “Physical safety”, “Exquisite Performance Coaching™” and Carl G. Jung that Claus achieves impressive results with his clients.

With his always entertaining and sharp manner, Claus has taught more than 15,000 people in companies such as Novo Nordisk, Ørsted, Facebook, Microsoft, Lundbeck, Biogen, Mærsk, Danske Bank, Nordea and Femern etc.

Claus Allerup
Inspiration and sparring

If you want to hear more about what Human Impact can do for your company and employees, you are always welcome to contact us for inspiration and sparring.

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Human Impact ApS
Sørupvej 54
DK - 3480 Fredensborg
+45 40503639

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