Articles and knowledge

We regularly write professional posts and articles and share our knowledge and experience with you on this page.

These are articles and posts that shed light on topics such as how to improve team collaboration, communication, handling conflicts, etc. There will also be a focus on the development of culture, the leadership group and many other exciting angles. Enjoy!

Use diversity in the team! – 5 good tips

Imagine the product manager, Jens. He is 37 years old, very goal-oriented, results-oriented and spends a lot of time on his work.

Team building, is it necessary?

It’s great to be part of a team that plays well together and creates good results. However, it is very rare that teams function completely naturally without interference. So if you want a successful team, the manager must, right from the start, spend time building the team. So yes, team building is necessary.

We thrive when we are COUNTED … and counted IN!

‘Together we are strong’ is an expression that we all more or less agree with, but why don’t we do more to become strong together?

Carl Jung – 141 years old and still very relevant

Jung’s “Psychological Types” are still highly relevant within management and team development, and are today considered particularly relevant for the understanding of organizational and cultural requirements as well as people’s need for motivation and leadership.

This is how you get your message across

Clear communication and the ability to convey messages is critical to good leadership so that misunderstandings, false assumptions and confusion do not arise.

How to become an authentic leader

Authenticity requires being open and honest about who you are and what you stand for. If you are not authentic as a leader, others will find it difficult to understand and trust you. All managers can therefore benefit from working on becoming more authentic. Being authentic is important for the modern leader.

Leader, know yourself — and the impact your behavior has on yourself and others

The most central thing in good management is self-awareness. Without self-awareness, the leader cannot see his unconscious/blind sides and how it affects others.

All managers can benefit from developing their self-awareness and thereby become better at leading others. The paradox is that the higher a leader rises in rank, the less feedback you get.

Free Inspiration Evening: The way to greater job satisfaction!

What can you get out of working with your own personality type and that of your colleagues? Why do successful companies actively work with personality types?

Inspiration and sparring

If you want to hear more about what Human Impact can do for your company and employees, you are always welcome to contact us for inspiration and sparring.

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