Management development

Management development

  • Is there trust and psychological security in your management group, so that all important input, questions, doubts and good ideas come into play?
  • Do you use and value each other’s strengths but also differences to achieve the strategy?
  • Will the rest of the organization say that you stand together, support each other and make the same announcements about goals and direction?
  • Are the management group role models of the desired work culture – and behaviour?

If you can’t say yes to everything, that’s perfectly normal! We are here to support and challenge you so that you can grow as a leadership group.

We help you achieve the strategy by:

  • Understand yourselves better, your own strengths and weaknesses
  • Understand each other better – and thus utilize differences more optimally
  • Chooses and prioritizes what you have to work on as a team
  • Takes responsibility for own impact on the group and the rest of the organization
  • Creates a space where some things come to light that you might otherwise have difficulty accessing
  • Become role models for the behavior & culture that helps you fulfill your strategy.
Inspiration and sparring

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Human Impact ApS
Sørupvej 54
DK - 3480 Fredensborg
+45 40503639

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