We believe in

At Human Impact we believe in the concept of Act As One. Overall, this means that we want to ensure that everyone in your company works for and against the same goals – and exhibits behavior that contributes positively to this. It may sound simple, but we have many years of experience that simple is not always so easy.

It requires that:

  • Everyone in the company has sufficient insight into how their own behavior colors the overall culture.
  • The leadership group itself exhibits behavior that supports this culture and behavior and is aware of their impact on the organization.
  • All employees and teams display behavior that supports the desired culture and behavior.
  • The desired culture and behavior is described on a very concrete level, so that everyone – including new employees – can easily familiarize themselves with the desired behavior and culture, and that this can be measured and followed up in, for example, performance interviews.
  • There is trust and psychological security to have open conversations and give the necessary feedback.

If you think that you could benefit from working with some of these areas, please contact us today.

It’s free to be curious – we look forward to hearing from you!

Inspiration and sparring

If you want to hear more about what Human Impact can do for your company and employees, you are always welcome to contact us for inspiration and sparring.

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Human Impact ApS
Sørupvej 54
DK - 3480 Fredensborg
+45 40503639

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